It was easy for the German machine-gunners to concentrate their fire on the ramp of a landing craft as it hit the shore. Inside the landing craft, the assault troops would hear the bullets bouncing like flung pebbles off the metal ramp, knowing that the moment they hit the beach that protection would be snatched away from them. As it dropped, it exposed thirty men huddled together – the perfect target.
Read about the amphibious Assault on Omaha Beach, Normandy; the merciless German response in The Enemy Awaits; and the eventual relief as the American forces found a way of Getting Off the Beach in this 3 in 1 True Combat Compendium. Three accounts filled with the courage of war, and interwoven with first hand narrative that takes you into the heart of battle.
Short, sharp, and true to life, Chronicles of War describe the campaigns, battles and close-up combat experiences of World War II in an exciting, quick to read format. Each title in the series provides gripping, intimate insights into the violent confrontations, extreme heroism and terrible brutality of the greatest conflict the world has ever known.
INCLUDED: The Assault Goes In. The Enemy Awaits. Getting Off the Beach