The Encarta World English Dictionary is a publishing event that will set the standard for all future dictionaries. Created using computer, Internet and database technology in a groundbreaking way, this is the first newly written dictionary in more than 30 years. It combines the work of the world’s largest and best team of lexicographers with the power of Microsoft Encarta, the premier name in electronic consumer reference.
The work of more than 250 lexicographers in 10 countries, the Encarta World English Dictionary is the first reference work that traces the global use of English in its written, spoken and electronic forms. With each word newly defined, the Encarta World English Dictionary is the most up-to-date dictionary on the market and will offer a unique perspective on English as the world’s language.
The Encarta World English Dictionary has:
Over 400,000 entries
Over 20,000 new words and definitions
Over 3 million words of text
Over 4,000 illustrations
Over 1,000 boxed cultural and regional notes
Over 1,500 unique Word Stories on usage notes